The Lasting Effects of an Amputation Request Your Free Consultation

Amputations occur for all sorts of reasons. Some people have diseases that lead to amputations; however, other people have preventable accidents that have caused them unnecessary injuries. The lasting effects of an amputation are profound and can be remedied with the help of legal action.

Physical Limitations

Having an amputation means dealing with the long-term physical injuries. It is a permanent injury itself that creates other injuries like pain, swelling and infections. The pain may disappear over the years, but the disability remains.

The first step is learning how to deal with the physical limitations that you may face. This may mean getting a prosthetic or wheelchair. With prostheses, you can perform most physical activities like walk, run and swim. However, wearing and maintaining this device every day is not always a simple task.

Social Setbacks

After a serious accident, you are forced to make several, permanent adjustments. Now, you have to adjust to your new status as an amputee. You may not be allowed into certain social circles or feel comfortable around people who you don’t trust. Amputees have to deal with the pressures of living in a non-amputee society.

Mental Distress

Different people handle amputations in different ways. Some people are quicker to cope about losing a limb, while others become very angry and frustrated about it. They have emotional problems that concern their friends and family members. They may try resolve their issues by self-medicating or going to therapy.

There is also the mental distress about long-term medical bills and the lack of money to pay them. Some people receive full compensation for their bills while others receive only half of the money from an insurance claim. To pay the remaining half, they have to get another job or struggle to pay bills every month.

Recovery Using the Courts

You have legal rights if the insurance company refuses to offer you fair compensation. You also have the right to sue the person responsible for your accident, whether it’s a doctor or driver. The best solution is to hire a personal injury attorney who specializes in cases that involve car accidents, medical malpractice and more.

An amputation is the type of injury that requires serious legal recourse. Seek the results that you need with the assistance of an experienced Wisconsin personal injury law firm.

Contact Cannon & Dunphy for a consultation to see if you have a case.