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Survey Shows Adults Text More Than Teens While Driving
A new study showed some surprising results about who is texting behind the wheel. Although most focus has been on preventing teen texting while driving, a survey released this week showed more adults than teen admit to texting behind the wheel. According to the results of a recent survey conducted by AT&T and published in…
WI DOT Releases New Phone App To Help Curb Drunk Driving
A new phone application released from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation is meant to help people determine it they have had too much to drink and drive or if they are sober enough for the ride home. The new application named “Drive Sober” for smart phones is part of Zero in Wisconsin traffic safety…
U.S. Drivers Talk, Text On Phones While Driving More Than European Drivers
A report released this week showed nearly one in every three Americans still text while driving despite knowing the dangers involved and that the rate drivers in the United States using their mobile devices while driving was significantly higher than in many European countries. The study from the Centers for Disease Control showed thirty-one percent of…
New Federal Safety Standards Take Effect For Infant Play Yards
New federal safety standards took effect this week requiring manufacturers and importers of infant and toddler play yards to test and adhere to the stricter safety measures. Play yards included in the new standards are framed enclosures with a floor and mesh or fabric side panels. Many are easily folded for storage or travel….